Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) of Malaysia invites Dr. Toa Charm to share his experience on the topic “Disruptive Big Data-Driven Business Models” in the Big Data Week Conference in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on April 19-23, 2015. 

Big Data Week is one of the most unique global platforms of interconnected community eventsfocusing on the social, political, technological impacts of Big Data. It brings together a global community of data scientists, data technologies, data visualisers and data businesses spanning six major commercial, financial, social and technological sectors.

The festival connects a number of global cities through locally hosted meetups, events, networking functions, data visualisation demos, debates, discussion and hackathons. Events are designed to provide a platform to educate, inform and inspire – organised by people who are passionate and knowledgeable about data. We’re a self organising community where anyone is able to host and create an event during the festival; making the our platform completely open and community driven.

Big Data Week connects communities of specialists from various backgrounds – Data Science, Data Technology, Data Visualization and Data Business – across major industry sectors: Media and Entertainment, Health and Science, Financial Sector, Retail and FMCG, Public and Government, and Social and Personal. Dr. Toa Charm was appointed as an advisor for Malaysia’s Big Data Initiative.