
(Online) WeChat Live: “B2B Strategic Thinking in Internet+ Era”

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On March 16, 2016, Dr. Toa Charm gave an online seminar with the topic of “B2B Strategic Thinking in Internet+ Era”. In this WeChat group, participants can not only gain the valuable opinions and experience from Dr. Toa, but also have some interactions with him.

Globalization and digitization brings lots of opportunities for Chinese enterprises. Meanwhile, many traditional Chinese enterprises are worried and even feel panic about that. Multinational corporations and Internet companies just like a beast that is challenging and subverting the traditional business. Those strategies, business models and core competencies, which were proven for a long time, are not applicable any more. Business leaders have to ask themselves a few key questions: are the strategies taught by business schools wrong? Do multinational corporations and Internet companies prevail in this competition? Is it too difficult for Traditional Enterprises to change this situation? It is who can get make full use of the advantages from all each party and develop an appropriate strategy for globalization and Internet+ that is able to grasp global opportunities and ultimately become the winner.

During this seminar, Dr. Toa Charm will share some of the best strategists’ (such as Mckinsey and BCG) strategic thinkings and the examples about how they adjust their business’s or customers’ strategies to face the challenges from globalization and “Internet+”

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