Join a panel of experts to get the latest perspective on how big data analytics and applications are transforming organizations across a range of industries in Hong Kong. Dr Toa Charm will look at the trends in big data in Hong Kong, where the market is heading and feedback from companies in Hong Kong engaged in big data projects.

Join a panel of experts to get the latest perspective on how big data analytics and applications are transforming organizations across a range of industries in Hong Kong.

This event provides an opportunity for those not in IT, but those engaged in the operational side of organisations to learn about:

  • New developments in the rapidly-changing world of big data
  • Best practices
  • How to leverage the technologies for business transformation
  • Big data projects in Hong Kong and their outcomes

In the keynote, Dr Toa Charm, Vice President & Chair of BI and Big Data Special Interest Group of the Hong Kong Computer Society will look at the trends in big data in Hong Kong, where the market is heading and feedback from companies in Hong Kong engaged in big data projects.

The event is ideally suited for those in marketing, sales, operations, finance and other lines of business managers from both local Hong Kong and multinational organisations.