Panel Moderation / Conference Chair

Sharing about Talents in driving innovation and business success at Linkedln Office

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Talent plays a pivotal role in driving innovation and business success across the globe. The shortage of skilled individuals is a pressing issue, not only in Hong Kong but worldwide. Today, I had the privilege of participating in a panel discussion alongside a team of esteemed talent experts at the dynamic LinkedIn office. Our panel included Nathan Khan  #Linkedln, Karen Ng  #Deel, Samantha Kwok  #Prenetics. Appreciate Sinyi Au  #Ignites for moderating our discussion. Thanks for LinkedIn, Deel and  #Spotlighter having me in the inspiring panel.

During the event, I was deeply impressed by the way LinkedIn harnesses the power of data in all aspects of their businesses and operations. Their utilization of data goes beyond job matching and extends to LinkedIn Learning and various other data-driven products. I particularly admire their data-centric culture, where every team member values and leverages data in their work. As the Founding Chairman of DaLa – Data Literacy Association  #DaLa, it’s encouraging and eye-opening to see the power of data from LinkedIn.

Equally remarkable was Deel’s commitment to empowering companies of all sizes to expand globally. They provide an extensive ecosystem and local support to assist organizations and individuals venturing into new markets. It is encouraging to learn that Deel is expanding its presence in Hong Kong, where many of us are actively exploring opportunities beyond our local borders.

Following the panel discussion, we enjoyed a delightful cocktail reception featuring exquisite wine and food. However, the true highlight was the invaluable knowledge exchange that occurred among professionals from diverse backgrounds, including innovation and technology, HR, legal, media, finance, retail, and more. Despite our varied expertise, we all shared a common objective: to discover strategies for attracting, nurturing, engaging, and retaining talent on a global scale, which is crucial for our growth and, quite possibly, our survival. Personally, I gleaned numerous insights throughout the day, and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity.

Today, I had the pleasure of reconnecting with old acquaintances while also forging new friendships. It was a joy to meet Janessa Chan, Nicole Kuo, Matina Fung, Vince Pei, Alan Siu. Agnes Liu, Jackie Lau, Lauren Lee Tim Cho, Andy Choy, Angel Cheung, Jackie Lau and many more. Let’s keep in touch.

#Talent  #HR  #innovation  #technology  #data  #DataLiteracy
Linkedln Deel Spotlighter

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