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(Sept 2020) Emerging Tech & Business Innovation Training Programme

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Digital Leadership Training Series:
Emerging Tech & Business Innovation Training Programme





Every business is a digital business. Where are we now? Seven of the highest valuated companies in the world are tech companies. What is the secret recipe of their success? These leaders create successful business models one after another based on their customer centricity, innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration capabilities. What can we learn from the leaders and the laggards? What is likely to be in the next 3 to 5 years? As corporate leaders in the digital economy, we need to master these capabilities in order to be stay relevant and competitive.


Emerging technologies, such as AI, Big Data, Blockchain and IoT, are no doubt revolutionizing the whole world. Leaders in major industries are being disrupted or replaced by new rivalries tech giants, start-ups and cross-border challengers. What are they and how are they different from each other? What values can they bring to customers and enterprises?


Knowing that Innovation is a must for survival and growth, what are the industry best practices, frameworks and tools that can be used to innovate? Most importantly, how we can create, select and scale our ideas to develop sustainable and profitable business.


Enterprises face serious organizational, political, cultural, technological and financial challenges when they innovate. How can enterprises cultivate intrapreneurship and tap into external innovation to sustain its competitions and strike for growth? What can enterprises learn from and collaborate with start-ups and their ecosystem?


The programme will prepare the participants to deal with disruptive innovations and the changing basis of competition in markets. Participants of this programme will learn the latest digital technologies and how the leading tech giants, start-ups and industry leaders have made use of these technologies to create viable and innovative business models. More importantly, the participants will learn why these leaders can meet their customers’ needs and resolve their pain points better than their competitors including the traditional leaders in the markets.

The learning outcomes of the programme are as follows:

  1. Analyze the digital divide for leaders and laggards
  2. Understand major emerging technologies and their applications
  3. Leverage on innovation methodologies to create sustainable businesses
  4. Master how to cultivate intrapreneurship and collaborate with external ecosystem to innovate effectively in a corporate environment


Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participant upon completion of the programme.


This programme is designed for business leaders and professionals in traditional industries. No pre-requisite is required.


DR. TOA CHARM  湛家揚博士

  • Associate Professor, CUHK Business School
  • Chairman of Dr. Charm & Co. and OpenCertHub
  • Former Chief Public Mission Officer, Cyberport Hong Kong
  • Former Executive: HSBC, IBM, Oracle and Jardine Pacific
  • Chief Judge, 2020 & 2019 HK ICT Awards – FinTech
  • FinTech Advisory Panel, Hong Kong Institute of Bankers


Major Topic
 1.  New Leaders and New Orders in the Digital Economy

–         Tech Giants and Platform Leaders
–         Start-ups and Unicorns
–         Cross-industry Competitors
–         Pioneers in Traditional Industries

 2. Emerging Technologies and Applications

–         The Power Duo: AI and Big Data
–         Blockchain: DLT, Smart Contract and Cryptocurrency
–         Mobility: IoT, API and 5G
–         Extended Reality: VR, AR and MR

 3. Innovation Management and Methodologies

–         From Ideas to Scalable Business
–         Lean Startup and Agile Management
–         Essentials of Business Model Canvas
–         Overview of Design Thinking & Crowdsourcing

 4. Corporate Innovation

–         Challenges of Corporate Innovation
–         Critical Success Factors of Corporate Innovation
–         Intrapreneurship Approach
–         Open Innovation Approach


12 September 2020 (Sat)

21 August 2020

1 days (6 hours)

English / Chinese

Executive Education Suite, 1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shatin Campus)

HK$8,000 (including course materials, refreshments and lunch)

  • Early Bird offer: HK$7,200 (register by 31 July 2020)
  • “Learn together” offer: HK$7,200 (enroll in the same programme with friends)
    Remarks: Two applicants must enroll together at the same time in the same programme. Therefore, this offer does not apply when enrollment of two participants at different times or for different programmes.
  • Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the programme fee
  • Corporate rate: please contact our education professionals for details


CUHK Business School
Miss Teresa Chung
Phone: (852) 3943 4413
Email: [email protected]


Executive Diploma in ASEAN Entrepreneurship & Market Development (2nd Cohort) 東盟創業與市場拓展行政人員文憑 (第二班) English Version 此課程適合有興趣將業務拓展到東盟地區或到東盟地區工作的商務人士、創業家和專業人員。 課程將會探討和分析東盟國家的投資生態系統和營商環境,助你在籌劃業務時充分掌握當地情況。 網上報名 為何選擇東盟? 近年東盟的增長驅動了不同行業的供應和需求,包括製造、建築、貿易、零售、當然還包括創科。東盟各國政府積極鼓勵外商投資、發展基礎設施和數字化轉型,推動東盟成為外商直接投資的重要目的地。 擁有5 億人口的東盟地區,是世界第三大人口經濟體以及 2.8 萬億美元的 GDP。 隨著超過5% 的預估年增長率,到 2050 年,東盟預計將超過歐盟和日本,成為世界第四大經濟體,僅次於中國、印度和美國。 東盟有超過8 億35 歲以下的人口(佔總人口的 58%),預計到 2030 年東盟的中產階級將達到 3.34 億(佔總人口的 51%) 可持續的城市化進程是東盟人口增長的關鍵因素。據估計,到 2050 年,將近七成的東盟人口會居住在城市地區 (來源: US-ASEAN Business Council) 根據政府工業貿易處的公布,香港與東盟的自由貿易協定(FTA)和投資協定(IA)已於2021年2月全面生效,讓香港中小企業和科技初創企業能夠進入東盟市場,鼓勵他們在東盟國開拓商機。 課程目標 通過此課程,學員能夠: 了解東盟各國的市場機遇和挑戰 理解東盟地區的消費行為和企業文化 掌握在東盟地區開拓新客戶和尋找當地合作夥伴的不同方法 熟悉並利用創業生態圈中的資源 認識東盟各國政府的招商政策 制定東盟市場的進入市場策略(go-to-market strategy)和行動計劃 課程大綱 日期
Seizing the opportunity in the #ASEAN market was my topic today at #InnoPreneur Meetup of #HKPC. I talked about the growth in ASEAN, opportunities & challenges to enter the market. We introduced the ASEAN #Entrepreneurship & Market Development Executive Diploma Programme jointly organized by HKPC and me. It aims to empower #SMEs & #startups to enter to the ASEAN market. Find out more about the program

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