Experts shared their views on the Enterprise Adoption and Business Models of OpenData and OpenSources in HKPC Hong Kong Productivity Council 1.5 months ago. If you have missed it, please watch and review it here on YouTube:

In the capacity as the Chairman of OpenCertHub, I shared my view in the panel discussion on democratizing DataLiteracy to everyone to fuel the growth of DigitalEconomy. Gartner created the term BigData 2 decades ago and Big Data has further stormed the world since then. In the decade of 2020, we will see their vision on Data Literacy as a language for everyone in Digital Economy to become reality.

Apart from DataScientist, as Gartner took DataEconomy further, we need all business leaders and professionals to be CitizenDataScientist. AI and Big Data Open Sources tools will accelerate this. If you are interested in this topic, you can watch my session on the video (from 3:45 to 12:12).

I also had a previous post on the event organized by HKPC