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Towngas is a great learning organization with open culture to keep their teams innovative in the Digital Economy. They have been organizing Techtalks regularly on topics like IOT AI 5G MachineLearning to educate their colleagues at all levels updated on Innovation. They made use of lunch time & Skype to make these available to most staff in different locations. Great effort there. It was my honour to share my experience on BigData with them. Thanks for GM of Corporate IT Susanna Shen inviting me for such a great sharing session. We talked about a few key innovations to make use of big data including Philips,  Michelin, Siemens, Amazon and Alibaba. I use life examples to make this topic understandable to audiences with different backgrounds. I believe it is the key as TechTaks do not have to be RocketScience. Rather, it should bring out how technology relates to what the audiences care like customer experience. Everyone needs to be Citizen Data Scientist and high DataQuotient to make intelligent use of data to compete in today’s digital world. We also discuss Preventive Maintenance on stoves, pipes, Smart Meters to do Smart City AlgorithmaticTrading.  Great to have the discussion to trigger more inspirations. Keep it going TownGas to create more values to us. Thank you.

#GS1HK #IoTConference 2019 attracted 600+ guests to participate it. Top government officials from #ITB #OGCIO, #LEGCO Charles Mok #Cyberport Peter Yan #STP Albert…