


Digital Leadership Training Series:
The Power Duo of AI & Big Data




Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only possible with big data, because we need a tremendous amount of data to “teach” or “train” AI systems. As its name suggests, AI has a form of intelligence of its own. It figures out which rules to follow based on the data that we feed them.

An AI application doesn’t just do what it’s been programmed to do. AI can go further than that. It responds to changing information and makes adjustment based on what it learns as it goes along. AI differs from supercomputers and other systems with powerful computing capabilities in one important way. AI systems are capable of not just computing, but actual learning — machine learning. The more data you give these machine learning networks and the more computational capability you give them, the better the result becomes because the results of previous machine-learning exercises can be fed back into the algorithms.

Digital Leadership Training Series:
Competing in the Digital Economy: Platform Revolution & Breakthrough Training Programme




What is a platform?  

What do these top companies like Alibaba, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Tencent and Ctrip have in common? Apart from being the world’s highest valuated businesses, they are the world’s most influential platforms.

Defining platforms

Source: https://www.launchworks.co/platform-strategy-illustrated/

By operating as open ecosystems, companies match suppliers of products, services, or content to consumers, and gain enormous value and market share.  These companies, known as multilateral platforms, act as intermediaries, connecting service providers and users to serve users of different needs.

Global FinTech Innovation and Industry Best Practices
Training Program 
for Macau



This “Global FinTech Innovation and Industry Best Practices Program for Macau” aims to explore the following 4 key questions with the participants, prepare and empower participants to take on the FinTech wave and seize the opportunities in the Greater Bay, South East Asia and key markets globally.

  1. What does the latest development of FinTech worldwide mean to financial services incumbents, start-ups, investors, regulators, governments, universities and students in the Greater Bay Area especially Macau?
  2. How to get the most out of this inevitable revolution to the financial services industry, especially in the Greater Bay Area and the SE Asia markets?
  3. How to innovate new business models for financial services with emerging technologies such as, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Cryptography, API, IoT and AR/VR?
  4. What is the implication of the latest development of FinTech worldwide to Macau’s “Specialised Financial Services” strategy?

Dr. Toa Charm is the chief architect of this program.  He has over 30 years of experience in leading financial services incumbents, technology giants and innovative start-ups.  When he was the Public Mission Officer of Cyberport Hong Kong, he nurtured more than 300 FinTech start-ups, including TNG, WeLab, QFPay, Zhongan, Bowtie, OneDegree, Covergo, etc. Dr. Charm has teamed up with a group of experienced and passionate leaders from vibrant Fintech start-ups and global leading financial enterprises to design and create this program. All the trainers have in-depth industry experience from the world’s leading fintech hubs, including Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States.


Global FinTech Innovation and Industry Best Practices Program is designed to empower participants with practical fintech knowledge, including the latest business models, technologies, innovative mindset and culture, to take up the FinTech wave and seize the opportunities in the world.

The course will explore the following key topics with the participants:

  1. Core FinTech Concepts and Technologies
  2. Innovative Business Models of FinTech Unicorns
  3. FinTech Strategies of Financial Services Incumbents
  4. Values of Fintech Ecosystem to Financial Institutions and FinTech Start-ups
  5. FinTech Intrapreneurship and Corporate Innovation Management
  6. Future Trend and Development of Fintech


  1. Management and executives in financial services companies
  2. Management and executives in innovation and technology companies
  3. Management and executives in FinTech and Tech start-ups
  4. Government officials, regulators and policy makers
  5. Academia, researchers and university students

Remarks: No pre-requisite is required


DR. TOA CHARM  湛家揚博士

  • Associate Professor, CUHK Business School
  • Chairman of Dr. Charm & Co. and OpenCertHub
  • Former Chief Public Mission Officer, Cyberport Hong Kong
  • Former Executive: HSBC, IBM, Oracle and Jardine Pacific
  • Chief Judge, 2020 & 2019 HK ICT Awards – FinTech
  • FinTech Advisory Panel, Hong Kong Institute of Bankers


  • Group CEO, BOA Financial Group
  • The Medal of HonourHong Kong SAR Government
  • Former CIO and COO, China CITIC Bank International
  • Former Deputy Chief Executive, China Construction Bank (Asia)
  • Doctor of Business Administration (candidate, CityU)


  • Founder and CEO, CryptoBLK
  • Former VP, Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)
  • PHD, Northeastern University, US


  • CEO and Chief Science Officer (CSO), Lattice
  • Former Head of Portfolio Analytics at Lehman Brothers
  • Former Head of Portfolio Analytics at Nomura (London)
  • PHD, Cambridge University, UK


  • Founder & CEO, OneDegree
  • Head of Research, Asia-Pacific Head of Emerging Technology and TaiwanJP Morgan
  • MA degree in Social Science and a BA degree in Economics, the University of Chicago

MR. KEN LO  盧廷匡先生

  • Founding Member, ZhongAn International
  • Former Consultant, Mckinsey and E&Y
  • Former Management Trainee, HSBC
  • Master of Finance, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

DR. DAVID MA  馬志偉博士

  • Co-founder and Chief Risk Officer, RTL Limited
  • Co-Founder & Advisor of Elite FinTech Startups in China
  • Former Head of Data Science, AIG, AIA, Citi Group and Bank of America
  • PHD, Yale University, USA

MR. JACOB WAI  韋達人先生

  • Founder & Managing Director, Toppix Holdings
  • Former CDO and CRO, MoneySQ
  • Former Executives of China CITIC Bank International, UBS AG and HSBC
  • Doctor of BA (candidate, University of Wales Trinity Saint David)

MR. EMIL CHAN  陳家豪先生

  • Chairman, Smart City Consortium Fintech Committee
  • Founder and Hon. Chairman, StartHK
  • Former Executive, Credit Suisse and BayernLB
  • MBA, University of Northern Iowa


August 22,29; September 5, 12 & October 3, 2020

The program contains 10 half-day modules and is conducted in 5 days:

  Morning Afternoon
Day One Module 1:

Global FinTech Trends & Ecosystem

Module 2:

Payment & Remittance

Day Two Module 3:

WealthTech and Robo-Advisory

Module 4:

Lending & Alternate Financing

Day Three Module 5:

Virtual Banking and Open Banking

Module 6:

AI, Machine Learning & Big Data

Day Four Module 7:


Module 8:

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Day Five Module 9:

RegTech, Compliance, Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Module 10:

FinTech Intrapreneurship and Corporate Innovation

Macau Institute of Financial Services

The class will be delivered in Cantonese and Putonghua.
The training materials are primarily in English.

Certification will be issued by Macau Institute of Financial Services to those participants who have successfully met all the following criteria.

  1. Completed no less than 8 modules of the program
  2. Obtained a Grade C or above on the assessment test of each participated module
  3. Completed the final project of the program and obtained a Grade C or above

The program fee is 15,000 MOP per student.

Remarks: Only exceptional case will be granted for participants to attend individual module(s); the program fee for individual module is 2,500 MOP per student .

Macau Institute of Financial Services
(853) 2856 8280



Global FinTech Innovation and Industry Best Practices
Training Program for Macau


「全球金融科技創新與行業最佳實踐」 培訓課程 旨在探討四大關鍵問題,幫助及賦能學員擁有實用的金融科技知識,迎接當前 金融科技(FinTech)的浪潮,把握在大灣區、東南亞以及全球主要市場的機遇

Traditional companies can compete well in the DigitalEconomy if they can reskill & empower their employees with BigData capabilities & DataLiteracy.  Adsale, a leading exhibition services company in Asia, is a great example.

My team & I have conducted a 2 days big data workshop to Adsale’s 60+ employees from top to middle mgt, from sales to ops. The learning culture of Adsale is what I admired the most. A traditional company has the practice to keep innovating & learning every year, from DesignThinking, to BigData & AI. Big Data is an enabler but an innovative culture is the key for any big data project success. In today’s digital era, every company needs to be DataDriven & every employee needs to be CitizenDataScientist in order to have the right to compete.

We talked about the core concepts, applications, monetization, platform, cases, implementation, challenge, org issues, prioritization, governance & more. I also invited big data startups LivelyImpact ClareAI Luna2 Radica to share their innovations & IT veteran Andrew Ling to share his experience as CIO of several major traditional companies. All these discussions were fruitful & practical.

Thanks to all guests, Adsale’s mgt & their teammates, my partner Ivan Ng for their active participation.


Macau gets into the next decade with great opportunities. It was not said for no reason.

The new government will start on 20 December 2019. It will be led by a great leader Ho Iat-seng who has extensive experience in various industries and a strong relationship with the mainland and Asia.  In addition, all casinos are required to renew their licenses by 2022. The policies of the Greater Bay Area from the Central Government will be provided more support to Macau. Portuguese-speaking countries, such as Portugal and Brazil, provide good access to their home markets plus countries in Europe and Latin America. More are being explored like RMB Clearing, Stock Exchange, Green Financing, Smart City, MICE, etc. Certainly, there are challenges to be resolved by the new administration together with the business and academic leaders in Macau.

In the past few years, I have been contributing to the government, business and academic communities in Macau especially on innovation and Technology (FinTech, AI, Big Data, Smart City ), Entrepreneurship, Talent Development, and Training areas.

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and contributing your expertise with Macau or if you have ideas or plans to leverage these opportunities in Macau, please feel free to contact me for potential collaboration.  Let’s nurture Macau to be another great and smart city in the Greater Bay Area and contribute to improving the quality of lives and economy in the region.

Here are some of the snapshot photos taken in my engagement with Macau societies. 

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