


What a month of GBA for me! This was my 4th forum with main theme on GBA that I have moderated or participated as speakers in the last 4 weeks. This one was specially designed for SMEs and very practical. Thanks to all experienced GBA leaders on our panel together Witman Hung, Raymond Yip, Dr. George So and Angel Wong. Our panel speakers shared practical tips with the SMEs on 8 key items. 1. Choice of location 2. Culture fit 3. Market, opportunities & challenges 4. 前海 #QianHai 及南沙 #NanSha 5. Bay areas comparison 6. Policies (bothe central and hk governments) 7. Company registration 8. Tips on ABCDEFG..H..S.. (let me know if you want to know more) Thanks to HKPC for organizing this. Appreciate the great effort and support from #HKPC Mohamed ButtKaren F.Elly YipDAPHNE HO and many others. #GBA #GreaterBayArea 生產力局 HKPC #SME #Innopreneur