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It was my first time to have an avatar in my panel. Can you find him in the photo? His name is “Inno”. What a way to discuss about the Next Big Thing – #MetaVerse in our Innopreneurs eForum today! Thanks for Karen F.Elly Yip and their teammates from #HKPC and Dr. Angus Ho and his teammates from HK Institute of Marketing #HKIM to make all these happened.

Certainly, the core team in our panel was the experts on MetaVerse including Chris So#AWSWilly Wong#EYSam Ngan#Popsible and Rex Wong Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association. Over 400 audiences (online) mainly #SMEs joined this forum. It demonstrated that MetaVerse excited not only large companies, startups and investors, but also #SMEs. Appreciate the valuable sharing from all of the guest speakers in my panel.

We explored from what MetaVerse is to applications, business models and underlying technologies like #Web3#NFT#Blockchain#Cryptocurrency#VR#Cloud and more. We also talked about the roles of major stakeholders in the MetaVerse #ecosystem.

It is only the beginning of our Innopreneurs MetaVerse Series. Stay tuned for the rest of the series in the next few months. Check out HKPC 香港生產力促進局 website for more

We kicked off our Hong Kong #CorporateInnovationIndex #CII programme last year CII is being co-organized by #CUHK and #HKGCC, and has gained full support from #ITF, #HKSTP, #Cyberport and many other leading enterprises, tech leaders and professional associations. Since then, apart from research and literature review, we have done a series of consultation sessions and pilot studies with industry leaders and practitioners. We are grateful