


In the capacity of the Chief Judge of the FinTech Award of 2023 Hong Kong ICT Awards, I have shared my experience and tips on winning the hearts and votes from the judges to the participants of this year’s competition today. Thanks to The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers #HKIB to organize this fruitful mentoring session. Appreciate the leadership from Carrie Leung, the effort from Chung Wan Lam and their HKIB teammates.

Apart from my sharing, we had a panel discussion with 3 other judges and assessors of the Award including Michael Leung #BOAJacob Wai, FRM, FFA FIPA, FCMA, CSDP, MHKCS, LLM, MBA #Deloitte and Henry Chang. Thanks for Lionel #HKIB to moderate our panel discussion.

I have included one of my slides on the 12 key advices for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs as your reference. Let me know if you would like to understand more. I am happy to share with you. I also introduced the Grand Award winners for the last 4 years where I was the Chief Judge. It includes Terence Leung #AIA鄭嘉泓 #WizpressoMiles Wen (温豪夫) #FanoLabs and Tomas Holub #CoverGo. I shared some insights on how they made it.

We also invited Kevin Leung #Liquid, the Gold Medal winner of last year, to share his experience. Kevin’s sharing was inspring. Here are my 3 picks from Kevin:

1. You are the winner already when you joined this award competition.

2. Keep trying and keep learning. He has tried several times and pivoted many times before he won the Award.

3. Speak slowly and clearly to get your key messages across deep to your judges. Keep it simple but really plant these few key points to the judge’s mind.

Met new and familiar startups and financial services leaders today as well. Wish you all have a great learning journey and all the best. See you soon in the presentation rounds. Cheers.

#HKICTA #FinTech #BankTech #InsurTech #LendTech #RegTech #SupTech #WealthTech #PayTech #Innovation #Technology
#Entrepreneurship #Intrapreneurship