


1st DaLa Macau Trip (May 5-6, 2023)

Our Data Literacy Association DaLa had a very fruitful and enjoyable study visit to #Macau in the last two days. We have previewed the impressive Galaxy International Convention Centre GICC, visited ICBC Macau, University of Macau Smart City Lab 澳门智慧城市物联网国家重点实验室, and Macau Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT).

Over 50 people including DaLa’s Founding fellows, tech leaders from Hong Kong, and local IT leaders from Macau, joined our journey. We also hosted a DaLa dinner (Yes, DaLa dinner, not Gala Dinner) in the fabulous venue of Galaxy Macau and invited key leaders from Macau to join it. It was our honour to have senior management from Macau SAR Government, Galaxy, #Wynn#Melco#SJM#澳觅 and more participated our dinner. We all learned a lot from these visits and we also all had fun to have an opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with old friends.

I am so grateful to have all of us being able to join this fruitful and joyful trip with good health after such a long 3 years of pandemic. Heartfelt thank to #Galaxy Macau, #ICBC Macau, University of Macau #UM, and Macau #FDCT for not just hosting us but sharing openly with us. Also, thank you for our sponsors #Google Cloud, #Checkpoint and #Veeam to support and join our study visit.

Special thanks to the Talent Development Committee of Macau SAR Government, and friends in Macau including Will FuDavid HoKeyvin Bi, 江海涛 and Lawrence Lau for their support.

Certainly, it couldn’t happen without my Founding Fellows and Secretariate Office teammates. My heartfelt thank to all of them. We do have a passionate and professional team. Our DaLa teammates will surely share more on their insights and experiences from this trip in these few days. Stay tuned.

Find out more about our DaLa www.dalahk.org or DaLa – Data Literacy Association. We welcome you, non-Tech and Tech friends, who are interested in data literacy, to become our members and be a part of the data literacy ecosystem in Asia. See you.

#dataliteracy #everyonespeaksdata
#GalaxyMacau #GICC