


“Banking is necessary but banks are not” ( quote from Bill Gates ) is not just applied for the incumbents in banking industry but all leaders in traditional industries. Traditional companies are facing unprecedented challenges from 4 major forces in the Digital Economy. Many of them will not survive if they don’t act now & don’t do it right. Last week in Shanghai, I have shared my experience gained from consulting large incumbents & cultivating innovative startups. We talked about these 4 key types of competitors for traditional companies: 1. Tech Giants Amazon Alibaba 2. Unicorns Gogovan Klook 3. Traditional companies from other industries with great digital capabilities to cross over to your industry Volkswagon getting into insurance 4. Companies in your same industry but with better digital capabilities than you Strategy that we learned from Business School, MBA and EMBA still matters but may not be good enough to empower leaders to win & even survive in the Digital Age. We talked about how to formulate Digital Strategy, cultivate a Digital Workforce & work with Digital Colleague around us. More importantly, how to innovate & collaborate with startups. Will deliver this talk in Tsingtao, Taiwan, Malaysia & more Asia’s cities in the next few months. CU.

#FinTech #AI #Blockchain #InsurTech #Insurance #Cyberport #NexChange Thanks for joining our 2018 FinTech O2O Summit on May 9 in PMQ HK. Lots of interesting ideas and cases on blockchain, AI and insurtech. Appreciate all speakers, panelists and participants. Cyberport is proud to be one of the coorganisers. Special thanks to NexChange, all sponsors and our Cyberport team.

For those who are joining the tour to our Cyberport FinTech Centre tomorrow, see you there. Cheers.

The French Chamber, in partnership with Agorize, is organising an Open Innovation Forum to enhance collaboration and experience-sharing between all key stakeholders in Hong Kong’s innovation ecosystem.

KPMG, Hysan Place, 23/F

From 2pm to 5:30pm

Registration starts at 1:30pm

Hear from our renowned speakers who are pushing the boundaries of Innovation in Asia:

2pm to 3:30pm Opening remarks
Talks to inspire: outcomes and stories from major actors and change makers
Matthew NG (DBS Bank)
Brandon CHUNG(SuperCharger)
Bianca HO (Clare.AI)
Philip POON (Fidelity International)
Elsa LEE-REID (BNP Paribas Cardif)
Stephane DUGUET(Thales)
Dr Simon W. L. LAW (HKUST)
Mathieu Toulemonde (Agorize Asia)
3:30pm to 4pm Networking/ Coffee break
4pm to 4:30pm How to make Open Innovation a reality?
Marine BORIS (Decathlon)
4:30pm to 5pm Asia’s future: collaboration or disruption?
Dr Toa CHARM (Cyberport)
Bonnie CHEUNG (500 startups)
Jan SMEJKAL (Startup Grind)
Marco Pellerey (The Hive Worldwide)
Moderator: Gram Milosevic (WHub)
5pm to 5:30pm Conclusion


Don’t miss the opportunity to learn, get inspired and network.

Register now!
For more information please contact us: events@fccihk.com

#FinTech #eXellerator #SuperCharger #SCB #StandardCharteredBank #Cyberport Congratulations to Standard Chartered Bank to launch its eXellerator today in Hong Kong. It is a top class platform to enable FinTech start-ups to collaborate with the banks and FinTech community as well. It is also a great endorsement for Hong Kong as one of the leading FinTech hubs in the world. More importantly, it helps FinTech startups apply their innovations in real life cases.

Cyberport and Standard Chartered Bank have been working together to help banks and FinTech start-ups work together through accelerators, competitions and matching exercises. We will continually collaborate with financial services companies to further strengthen Hong Kong as a global FinTech hub. Paul Wan Liam Gilligan Peter Clark Janos Barberis Charles Lam




除了這些眾所周知的科技巨頭之外,至少還有260家初創公司有潛力像現有的科技巨頭一樣顛覆全球。我們稱這些初創企業為「獨角獸」(Unicorn),即估值超過10億美元的非上市初創公司。根據CB Insights的數據顯示,2013年內全球只有25間獨角獸,但在過去5年內,獨角獸的數量迅速增長。來自美國和中國的新創企業更佔了全球獨角獸的80%以上。

可能很多人會問「香港有獨角獸嗎?」根據資本雜誌的報導指,至現時為止,香港已有5間獨角獸,包括GoGoVan、Lalamove、商湯科技(SenseTime)、Tink Labs和WeLab。據香港投資推廣署資料顯示,2017年內香港至少有3000家創新科技初創企業。而我相信現在以香港為基地的本地、內地及國際創業公司數目已上升到超過4000家。這些初創團隊也希望運用他們的創新、智慧及努力,他日成為獨角獸的一群,為的是在未來能夠閃盡光芒。

在這樣的環境之下,大企業和中小企業不能只是靜觀其變,而是要選擇反擊! 過去幾年,我曾擔任許多本地及國際創新科技比賽和黑客松(hackathon,或譯程式設計馬拉松)的評判,發現初創企業的參賽者通常比大企業和中小企業的參賽者更具創新能力。但現在,我看到大型企業和中小企業開始更績極提升其創新能力,及己取得一定的成果。

例如在2018年香港資訊及通訊科技獎中,香港機場管理局、匯豐銀行、香港威裕環球集團及其他一些大企業和中小企業都在不同範疇中亦獲得獎項,許多企業更設立了專門發展創科方面的職位和團隊。與此同時,初創企業也採取了與大企業和中小企業合作的模式,為客戶創造更多價值及提供更好的體驗。這正是一個提升香港公司的數碼競爭力和數碼商(Digital Quotient)的正面及健康的信號。


根據CB Insights的資料,在2017年投資在亞洲的創新及科技初創公司估計超過560億美元,比較在2016年的243億美元有更明顯增長。現時,香港特別行政區政府與數碼港、科學園、應科院、生產力促進局及其他許多機構攜手合作,推出新政策及撥款支持創新及科技產業。本地和海外大學、加速器、孵化器及共同工作空間也採取積極的態度參與香港的創新和科技行業。


雖然人工智能(AI)可以創造大量的財富和幸福,但它也可以同時取代許多工作,甚至是您。雖然金融科技(FinTech)能夠為世界上沒有銀行賬戶的人提供普惠金融服務(Financial Inclusion),但亦可能使許多為數百萬僱員及其家庭提供服務的傳統金融服務公司產生顛覆。儘管區塊鏈(Blockchain)、加密貨幣(Cryptocurrency)和首次代幣發行(ICO)可以在短時間內創造大量財富,但它也可以增加了欺詐和網絡犯罪的機會。雖然物聯網可以將世界更加緊密地聯繫起來,但它可能為黑客打開一扇大門,以大規模破壞我們的公司和家園。雖然電子商務可以給世界上幾乎所有人帶來很多方便,但它亦可以淘汰許多實體零售商。


#FinTech #Cyberport #CUPP #Bootcamp #Entrepreneurship #MetroFinance #MetroRadio I have shared about how university students can leverage on Cyberport to realize their start-up dreams on MetroFinance Radio. You can review the show here https://lnkd.in/fv6jAa5

One of the best ways is to join our Cyberport University Partnership Programme (CUPP). It is a FinTech entrepreneurship bootcamp organised by Cyberport and one of the world’s leading universities. Stanford University in Silicon Valley was our partner in the last 3 years. Apart from the bootcamp, a series of FinTech training conducted by FinTech enterpreneurs and financial services leaders will be given to the students before they go to the foreign university. The students also have a chance to win Cyberport Creative Micro Fund to turn their ideas into prototypes and join Cyberport Incubation programme. More can be found here. https://lnkd.in/fPu_sYJ

CUPP 2018 is now open for applications. Check with your university or contact Cyberport. Don’t miss it this year. See you. #BUHK #CITYU #CUHK #HKU #POLYU #UST

Nov 2017

Tencent Holdings-backed WeChat Pay is ramping up its expansion outside mainland China with new initiatives to extend the use of its mobile payment services to taxis and merchants in Hong Kong.

WeChat Pay Hong Kong unveiled a series of payment solutions for daily transactions, announcing that its service can now be used to pay for taxi fare and settle bills in the city.

Read More: http://www.ejinsight.com/20171101-wechat-pay-hk-launches-expanded-features-for-taxi-payment/