


In the Internet age, the Internet businesses are crossing the border,  challenging and overturning the traditional enterprises like a great scourge. Ma Huateng even made four motions in the NPC, one of which is the “Internet+ecology” strategy. On 2015 June 7th, HKU SPACE Institute for China Business invited Dr. Toa Charm to attend a workshop in Shanghai. Dr. Charm would share his view on how Chinese and foreign enterprises could face the challenge of the Internet business and how they could create their own “Internet+” environment. 




HostingCon invites Dr. Charm to share his ideas on “How to make profits from your business models and Big Data Innovation”. And the sharing was awarded as “Most Worthy Reward Speech”.

HostingCon, an important industry conference for top clouding service and server providers in North America, kicked off again in Shenzhen, China! May 30th, 2015 , hosted by the ResellerClub in Shenzhen, global hosting industry event HostinCon Chinese station 2015 has attracted many well-known companies and industries cattle. The conference was a big success and had a broad industry impact.

Organizing institution:


HostingCon is the premier industry conference and trade show for web hosting and cloud service providers.

For more information, please visit http://china.hostingcon.com or follow the QR Code of WeChat platform.

Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) of Malaysia invites Dr. Toa Charm to share his experience on the topic “Disruptive Big Data-Driven Business Models” in the Big Data Week Conference in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on April 19-23, 2015. 

Big Data Week is one of the most unique global platforms of interconnected community eventsfocusing on the social, political, technological impacts of Big Data. It brings together a global community of data scientists, data technologies, data visualisers and data businesses spanning six major commercial, financial, social and technological sectors.

The festival connects a number of global cities through locally hosted meetups, events, networking functions, data visualisation demos, debates, discussion and hackathons. Events are designed to provide a platform to educate, inform and inspire – organised by people who are passionate and knowledgeable about data. We’re a self organising community where anyone is able to host and create an event during the festival; making the our platform completely open and community driven.

Big Data Week connects communities of specialists from various backgrounds – Data Science, Data Technology, Data Visualization and Data Business – across major industry sectors: Media and Entertainment, Health and Science, Financial Sector, Retail and FMCG, Public and Government, and Social and Personal. Dr. Toa Charm was appointed as an advisor for Malaysia’s Big Data Initiative.

Dr. Toa Charm’s article is posted on CAPITAL Entrepreneur on 4 January, 2016, named “Why Management Should Take Big Take Seriously”. Dr. Charm uses the example of “11.11” of Alibaba to explain the application of Big Data.

你应该听说过大数据(Big Data),蛋你是否觉得大数据是很遥远的东西,和你的工作及生活有很大的距离呢?作为公司的管理层,你也可能会觉得大数据是IT的事情,你的经历应放在策略、业务、营运及人才上。

如果你还是没有感受到全球大数据海啸的热量,请再想一下。事实上,大数据已经融入在我们的工作和生活中,不管你做什么,或者你住在哪个地方。我不是说每一位管理人员都要明白什么是Hadoop和数据科学(Data Science),更重要的是每位卓越的管理人员必须学习世界各地的大中型企业如何运用大数据来赚大钱、优化营运效率,甚至请救生命。让我们来看看一些例子。



阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和亚马逊(Amazon)都是全球前两名大数据的胜利者。我相信你没有错过2015年11月11日的全球头条新闻。我相信你没有错过在2015年11月11日的全球头条新闻。阿里巴巴通过其天猫和淘宝的平台单日做出线上销售为912亿元人民币。他们把这活动称为“2015年天猫11.11·全球购物节”。但是,你可能没有意识到阿里巴巴的蚂蚁金融(Ant Financial)通过从这个节日衍生的互联网金融业务有多大?消费者贷款、供应链金融、网上支付、保险等的收入贡献显著。比如说,蚂蚁金服的网商银行(MYbank)贷出90亿元人民币给予其电子商务网站的供应商,让他们为这个节日做好准备。无论网上销售或互联网金融,阿里巴巴能善用大数据,最大化其交叉销售和向上销售的成功率,及有效地计算贷款利率和风险。

主持: 香港社會服務聯會資訊科技資源中心總經理 – 鄧錦標先生 嘉賓: 香港中文大學社會工作學系 – 黃於唱教授 香港電腦學會專業發展總監 – 湛家揚博士 長者安居協會行政總裁 – 梁淑儀女士 香港小童群益會服務總監 – 陳國榮先生 Microsoft Hong Kong Limited區域科技長 – 陳育明先生