
Entrepreneurial Competitions

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Winning in Entrepreneurial Competitions Award Hackathon Incubator Accelerator Funding Investor Pitching is getting tougher these days as more start-ups are in the market. More importantly, why do you, as startup, join any competitions? What values do you get from these competitions?

I put together my experience on organizing competitions and being judges in local and international competitions, such as MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Asia Pacific, HK ICT Awards, Alibaba JumpStarter Award, HSBC x HKET Innovative Business Award, Chicago Booth EMBA Global Entrepreneurship Challenge, etc., and share with CityU students. Thanks to Professor Ray Cheung of CityU for inviting me to share my experience with his students. Will share with CUHK HKU UST POLYU BUHK HSU VTC Cyberport STP soon.

Three key points shared: 1. What types of competitions out there in the start-ups world? 2. Why do you join these competitions? What values can you get out of there on the top of just the monetary reward? 3. How do you win these competitions?

If you want to find out more, please let me know. To be a successful start-up, there are a lot more to learn. I am putting together a book to share what I have been learning from the local and global start-ups world. Stay tuned.

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