
(CD) HKU Space: “When Strategy Meets Internet+”

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On December 20, 2015, HKU Space will hold its first Open Day in Chengdu, Sichuan. It will also launch the latest management concepts and use the construction of thinking to deal with the challenges and changes of “Internet+” in the fast times. In the meanwhile, Dr. Toa Charm is going to share his valuable opinions on “When Strategy Meets Internet+”


但企业的境遇却大不相同, 有的搭上了互联网产业的大船, 抓住机会转型, 有的却夜夜做着被新生对手颠覆的噩梦。

作为一个经营者, 在开始怀疑互联网时代品牌还能有多少忠诚度的今天, 互联网思维是拯救传统产业的利器吗?互联网化或是利用社会化营销能为商业战争带来多少胜算?


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