


Grateful to have Dr. Victor Ng to co-deliver our joint AI for Financial Services course to ICBC (Asia) at CUHK today. Really appreciate the full-day presence of Miss Gao, the Chairman and Executive Director of ICBC(Asia) together with their senior management. That was an excellent Lead-by-Example for all leaders. If you would like to cultivate and change your colleagues, you demonstrate it first. Really appreciate it, Miss Gao.

Dr. Ng and I have designed a Data Literacy Empowerment Programme #DLEP to empower all levels of colleagues in organizations to speak data. Today, I shared about how AI applies to financial services with real cases and examples worldwide while Dr. Ng cultivated the participants on data culture and mindset through experiential exercises. We have been doing it for many enterprises especially banks. What a practical combination to illustrate how leading enterprise is making good use of data to win the hearts of their customers. To know more about DLEP, please visit OpenCertHub Academy

The most impressive and rewarding part for me and Dr. Ng was the sharing from our students about their findings and suggestions from their team exercises. After we have shared our experiences, our students not only digested the key points well, but also come up with solid suggestions to make changes in ICBC to empower their colleagues to be citizen data scientists and data citizens. More importantly, their own data mindset has changed and they appreciate even more to use data to solve problems. Thanks to all for your effort. Congratulations and welcome aboard to the DLEP journey.

#OpenCertHubAcademy #OCHA
#DLEP #DataLiteracy #Data
#AI #BigData #MachineLearning
#CitizenDataScientist #DataCitizen

Another great cohort of CUHK EMBA has just started. Welcome to all elite leaders, executives and professionals to join our EMBA Class of 2024. All of our students had an excellent start in our CUHK EMBA Residence Week. We can see another group of passionate and bright minds this year. This group is also a
Feel great to be back to real f2f activity to resume our Data Literacy Empowerment Programme #DLEP for the China Everbright Bank Hong Kong Branch. Thanks for the support and trust from Fanny Chan and her teammates from #CEBHK. We are so grateful to collaborate with the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers #HKIB to empower and upskill CEBHK colleagues in CEBHK's