
Toa Charm


#JackMa #PaulChan #Alibaba #AI #BigData #FinTech #HKTDC #Cyberport #SmartHK. Do you know how big Jack Ma’s hand is? Not big but his vision and accomplishments are super big. HKTDC Smart Hong Kong was held in the heart of Alibaba (Hangzhou) in the last 2 days. How HK digital technology start-ups and professional services can help the development of China such as Belt and Road was the main theme.

12 Cyberport start-ups, such as #AccuWear #FindSolution #MamaHelpers #MyiCellar #OneCharge #StockFlash #WildFaces, showcased their innovations to companies and investors there. I also introduced them to Zhejiang’s senior government official, our HK Financial Secretary and HKTDC CEO.

Cyberport also organized FinTech forum and AI/Big Data Forum. Lots of audiences participated and asked good questions.

Thank you to HKTDC to organize such a great event for Hong Kong. Also appreciate the effort from our Cyberport start-ups. Keep it going.

#JackMa #PaulChan #Alibaba #AI #BigData #FinTech #HKTDC #Cyberport #SmartHK. Do you know how big Jack Ma’s hand is? Not big but his vision and accomplishments are super big. HKTDC Smart Hong Kong was held in the heart of Alibaba (Hangzhou) in the last 2 days. How HK digital technology start-ups and professional services can help the development of China such as Belt and Road was the main theme.

12 Cyberport start-ups, such as #AccuWear #FindSolution #MamaHelpers #MyiCellar #OneCharge #StockFlash #WildFaces, showcased their innovations to companies and investors there. I also introduced them to Zhejiang’s senior government official, our HK Financial Secretary and HKTDC CEO.

Cyberport also organized FinTech forum and AI/Big Data Forum. Lots of audiences participated and asked good questions.

Thank you to HKTDC to organize such a great event for Hong Kong. Also appreciate the effort from our Cyberport start-ups. Keep it going.


你現在可能是生態系統的一部分。 您也可能正在為您的業務,科技或投資努力地工作。若您能好好地運用生態系統的槓桿,您就能達到事半功倍的效果,同時建立一個能持續多贏的平台。

資料來源:Highline BETA創始合夥人Ben Yoskovitz


了解生態系統的途徑之一是通過供應鏈概念。初創公司的供應和創新主要來自我們的年輕新一代,意思不只是在談論大學如何培育學生,而是指教育制度及思維。除了小學,中學和大學的學術課程和考試之外,“STEM”甚至“STEAM”是創新的主要基礎。 STEM代表科學(Science),科技(Technology),工程(Engineering)和數學(Mathematics) ,而STEAM增加了一個稱為藝術(Art)的元素,強調藝術或創新能力對整個生態系統人才供應的重要性。當然,創業精神、設計和創新思維、在初創企業的實習機會、用於構思的種子基金、知識轉移支持,商業化研究是我們的教育系統中所需要提供的一些關鍵要素,以便為生態系統能持續供應人才。我將在未來的文章中與您分析教育系統及思維對創科生態系統的影響。

初創企業可能擁有很好的科技來解決企業或消費者問題。 但是,他們更需要來自生態系統中其他關鍵成员的幫助。

供應鏈的第二部分是整個生態系統的核心-初創企業。 初創企業有可能在大學教育之後或之中開始。 您可能也有聽說過比爾蓋茨(微軟創始人)、邁克爾戴爾(戴爾創始人)等公司創始人,他們在沒有完成大學學位的情況下創辦了自己的公司。 您亦可能找到有些公司創始人在開始他們的創業之旅之前,已在某些公司工作了很多年。金融科技的初創企業就是一個好例子。大多數金融科技的初創公司的創始人以前也曾在金融服務公司工作過。 他們了解行業的辛酸和機遇,並決定嘗試創辦一家公司。

初創企業可能擁有很好的科技來解決企業或消費者問題。 但是,他們更需要來自生態系統中其他關鍵成员的幫助。 孵化器、加速器合作空間提供商、投資者(如天使投資者和風險投資者)、服務提供商(如律師、會計師、媒體)、研究實驗室,技術提供商(如IBM,AWS,阿里巴巴)和導師提供知識、經驗、人際網絡、資金和工作空間給初創企業,以提高他們在最短時間內獲得成功的機會。 我將在未來的文章中與您分享這些初創百樂的核心功能及初創應如何善用及管理這些資源。


政府是創業生態系統中另一個重要的角色,基於政府所制定支持創新和科技產業的政策。 它包括技術基礎設施、公開數據、開展業務的便利性、研發支持、資金、科技採用和數字策略制定的支持、稅務、人才發展、工作簽證等對行業的支持。若政府能領頭採用本地創新和科技產品,本地和全球企業智對較少聲譽的初創企業給予多一些機會,對整個生態系統有槓桿的作用。 在未來的文章中,我將會以世界各地的一些實例來說明有關政府如何支持創新和科技創業者。



世界上大部份生態系統的法則都有共同點,就是每位社區成員都相互依靠以及共同取得成功。 另外,每位成員也會貢獻一些東西,亦會從生態系統中獲得一些東西,創新及科技創業生態系統的規則就是如此。 通過積極參與生態系統,每個人都有機會獲勝。 請繼續密切關注我未來的文章,相信您會更了解生態系統中的每個關鍵角色,更重要的是您可以更明白如何善用它們實現多贏合作關係。謝謝。

ABC = #AI #BigData #CollectiveIntelligence Thanks for #VPON, one of the leading big data companies in Asia, to invite me to participate in a panel discussion on the topic “Keeping up with Dynamic Big Development in Hong Kong and Asia”. Two leading big data start-ups from Hong Kong #WeLab Emily Chow

#Alikeaudience Bosco Lam together with #VPON Arthur Chan and the moderator #comscore Victor Cheng joined the panel. We shared among the challenges and success factors in HK to adopt and utilize big data in all businesses.

I am really glad to see many young professionals and start-ups like #LiMEHK to join the event. Hong Kong does have good talents in big data. #WeLab has already been a Unicorn while #iClick has listed in NASDAQ. Founders of these 2 companies are from Hong Kong and big data are their key secret sauce.

Big data is really amazing and disruptive. VPON Yoshitaka Shinohara showcased their analysis on tourists to Japan. HK people go every corner of Japan while mainland Chinese focus on just a few cities. VPON Arthur Chan shared their experience on programmatic spending and RTB and how they helped their customers to manage and leverage on these disruptive models and technologies. Love to connect with like minds on big data and AI. Cheers.

ABC = #AI #BigData #CollectiveIntelligence Thanks for #VPON, one of the leading big data companies in Asia, to invite me to participate in a panel discussion on the topic “Keeping up with Dynamic Big Development in Hong Kong and Asia”. Two leading big data start-ups from Hong Kong #WeLab Emily Chow

#Alikeaudience Bosco Lam together with #VPON Arthur Chan and the moderator #comscore Victor Cheng joined the panel. We shared among the challenges and success factors in HK to adopt and utilize big data in all businesses.

I am really glad to see many young professionals and start-ups like #LiMEHK to join the event. Hong Kong does have good talents in big data. #WeLab has already been a Unicorn while #iClick has listed in NASDAQ. Founders of these 2 companies are from Hong Kong and big data are their key secret sauce.

Big data is really amazing and disruptive. VPON Yoshitaka Shinohara showcased their analysis on tourists to Japan. HK people go every corner of Japan while mainland Chinese focus on just a few cities. VPON Arthur Chan shared their experience on programmatic spending and RTB and how they helped their customers to manage and leverage on these disruptive models and technologies. Love to connect with like minds on big data and AI. Cheers.

ABC = #AI #BigData #CollectiveIntelligence Thanks for #VPON, one of the leading big data companies in Asia, to invite me to participate in a panel discussion on the topic “Keeping up with Dynamic Big Development in Hong Kong and Asia”. Two leading big data start-ups from Hong Kong #WeLab Emily Chow

#Alikeaudience Bosco Lam together with #VPON Arthur Chan and the moderator #comscore Victor Cheng joined the panel. We shared among the challenges and success factors in HK to adopt and utilize big data in all businesses.

I am really glad to see many young professionals and start-ups like #LiMEHK to join the event. Hong Kong does have good talents in big data. #WeLab has already been a Unicorn while #iClick has listed in NASDAQ. Founders of these 2 companies are from Hong Kong and big data are their key secret sauce.

Big data is really amazing and disruptive. VPON Yoshitaka Shinohara showcased their analysis on tourists to Japan. HK people go every corner of Japan while mainland Chinese focus on just a few cities. VPON Arthur Chan shared their experience on programmatic spending and RTB and how they helped their customers to manage and leverage on these disruptive models and technologies. Love to connect with like minds on big data and AI. Cheers.

#HKTDC #Startup #EntrepreneurDay #Cyberport Another great Entrepreneur Day was held in Hong Kong yesterday. Thousands of start-ups, investors, incubators, accelerators, professional services and many other stakeholders of Hong Kong Startup Ecosystem. I was pleased to share about HK FinTech Ecosystem with the audiences. The start-ups ecosystem in Hong Kong is booming. If you haven’t been a part of it, you had better to engage with it soon.

The key part in the show was the Pitchathon. Top start-ups were pitching there and 10 was selected as winners for great prizes and connected with top investors. Congrats to #Mamahelpers #LeckerandLabs #Farseer and other winners and participating teams.

Thanks for HKTDC to organize this. It was the best one so far. Keep it going.

Not just Shenzhen and Hong Kong are active in innovation and technology industry, so is Macau. Macau has released their Smart City plan and is working on cloud, smart transportation, smart health and so on.

I have met with the 3 major universities in Macau, including Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), Macau City University (MCityU) and University of Macau (UMAC), to exchange ideas. For instance, MUST has set up an institute on Blockchain, MCityU has started their Faculty of Finance with focus on FinTech, and UMAC has a number of Data Science initiatives. I also shared my FinTech experience with the graduate Finance programme students of MCityU. They were very eager to learn FinTech.

I also visited the core innovation and technology as well as FinTech parties in Macau. It includes the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Macau Young Entrepreneur Incubation Center, Monetary Authority of Macau and Macau Institute of Financial Services, etc.

With the rapid development of the Greater Bay Area, opening of the bridge connecting Macau, Hong Kong and Zhuhai, the upcoming license renewal of Macau casinos, there will be more opportunities evolved for I&T companies.

Not just Shenzhen and Hong Kong are active in innovation and technology industry, so is Macau. Macau has released their Smart City plan and is working on cloud, smart transportation, smart health and so on.

I have met with the 3 major universities in Macau, including Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), Macau City University (MCityU) and University of Macau (UMAC), to exchange ideas. For instance, MUST has set up an institute on Blockchain, MCityU has started their Faculty of Finance with focus on FinTech, and UMAC has a number of Data Science initiatives. I also shared my FinTech experience with the graduate Finance programme students of MCityU. They were very eager to learn FinTech.

I also visited the core innovation and technology as well as FinTech parties in Macau. It includes the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Macau Young Entrepreneur Incubation Center, Monetary Authority of Macau and Macau Institute of Financial Services, etc.

With the rapid development of the Greater Bay Area, opening of the bridge connecting Macau, Hong Kong and Zhuhai, the upcoming license renewal of Macau casinos, there will be more opportunities evolved for I&T companies.

Not just Shenzhen and Hong Kong are active in innovation and technology industry, so is Macau. Macau has released their Smart City plan and is working on cloud, smart transportation, smart health and so on.

I have met with the 3 major universities in Macau, including Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), Macau City University (MCityU) and University of Macau (UMAC), to exchange ideas. For instance, MUST has set up an institute on Blockchain, MCityU has started their Faculty of Finance with focus on FinTech, and UMAC has a number of Data Science initiatives. I also shared my FinTech experience with the graduate Finance programme students of MCityU. They were very eager to learn FinTech.

I also visited the core innovation and technology as well as FinTech parties in Macau. It includes the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Macau Young Entrepreneur Incubation Center, Monetary Authority of Macau and Macau Institute of Financial Services, etc.

With the rapid development of the Greater Bay Area, opening of the bridge connecting Macau, Hong Kong and Zhuhai, the upcoming license renewal of Macau casinos, there will be more opportunities evolved for I&T companies.