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DigitalTransformation is not just for large enterprises but for all SME in the DigitalEconomy. However, many SMEs do not know too much about Digital. Management may think that they cannot afford it; digital like AI Blockchain O2O hashtagIOT etc. is too far away from them; they cannot even survive tomorrow and so on. The reality is that the leaders in SME world are making great use of digital to save cost and labour, enhance productivity, optimize profit and make smart decision. DigitalInclusion is very critical for the survival of all SMEs & important to many economies as SMEs are the pillar of them.

After pioneering & co-hosting the MetroFinance FinTech Series 新城财經台 金融科技大本營, I am pleased to co-host another popular radio program “Knowledge makes bosses” on MetroInfo 新城資訊台 智識做老板 together with another popular radio star 林椒敏 . We, together with our guests, aim to bring the latest digital knowledge, tools and experience to empower SMEs to leverage on digital technologies to compete more effectively & operate more efficiently.

I have just started co-hosting it from Jun 1, 2019. It is on MetroInfo 新城資訊台 FM 99.7 every Sat from 10am to 12pm. Stay tuned.

Listen to the last 2 episodes on Jun 8 & Jun 1 here: https://lnkd.in/fvCkxmT 

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