


With the rise of Internet Finance and Big Data, there is a Fin-tech (financial technology) boom around world.  Fin-tech is bound to bring a shock to the current financial system . Dr. Toa Charm, who has worked in Great China, Asia-Pacific, American and many other top multinational companies as  senior manager, is invited to share his first view on fin-tech. Hope this may help the financial industry in Taiwan to face the challenge of trend.

隨著互聯網金融與大數據的興起,全球陷入Fin-tech (financial technology,金融科技)熱潮,Fin-Tech對現行的金融體系勢必帶來一場震撼。高盛預估,金融科技產業將從華爾街金融業手中搶下4.7兆美元營收和4,700億美元獲利。但這場革命其實也是源自現有金融機構內的科技創新,將改變傳統付費、借款和投資的方式。

面對金融3.0的衝擊,隨著實體銀行的減少,金融服務邁入虛擬化趨勢,未來行動通訊、網路、社群媒體、物聯網及開放資料(open data)等,都會影響銀行業務發展。金融3.0的關鍵,在於如何在金融商品的創新、服務管道的便利與理財風險之中,做好平衡發展,傳統金融機構面臨全新的數位化挑戰。


In the Internet age, the Internet businesses are crossing the border,  challenging and overturning the traditional enterprises like a great scourge. Ma Huateng even made four motions in the NPC, one of which is the “Internet+ecology” strategy. On 2015 June 7th, HKU SPACE Institute for China Business invited Dr. Toa Charm to attend a workshop in Shanghai. Dr. Charm would share his view on how Chinese and foreign enterprises could face the challenge of the Internet business and how they could create their own “Internet+” environment. 




FinTech Innovation Forum 2015 held on 17 June in Shanghai. With the topic of “The Next-Gen Financial Services In a New Connected Era”, it attracted lots of financial and IT experts to participate in. Dr. Toa Charm was one of the guest speakers in this forum, to share his personal experience and opinion about the related areas during it.

China’s rise in economic prominence has always been inevitable – but its speed and extent was something few expected. From an industry defined by traditional loans-and-deposits to its current capability to offer multiproduct suites, omni-channel initiatives and cross-border strategies, financial institutions are now faced with new priorities to grow while innovating.

The coming of digital era and the evolution consumer preferences will drive the next wave of innovation for China financial services where convergence of disruptive technologies and new concepts of customer engagements come together to deliver connected experiences to the consumer. As this convergence proceeds, the financial services industry will finally see real innovation in every phase of the customer lifecycle engagement.

IDC Financial Insights together with Questex Media is proud to bring audiences the FINTECH INNOVATION FORUM where the thought leadership speakers, partners and analysts, such as Dr. Toa Charm, will share some key structural shifts already underway that will give China financial institutions in 2015 more reasons to innovate as they compete for new prospects and sustainability.

On March 16, 2016, Dr. Toa Charm gave an online seminar with the topic of “B2B Strategic Thinking in Internet+ Era”. In this WeChat group, participants can not only gain the valuable opinions and experience from Dr. Toa, but also have some interactions with him.

Globalization and digitization brings lots of opportunities for Chinese enterprises. Meanwhile, many traditional Chinese enterprises are worried and even feel panic about that. Multinational corporations and Internet companies just like a beast that is challenging and subverting the traditional business. Those strategies, business models and core competencies, which were proven for a long time, are not applicable any more. Business leaders have to ask themselves a few key questions: are the strategies taught by business schools wrong? Do multinational corporations and Internet companies prevail in this competition? Is it too difficult for Traditional Enterprises to change this situation? It is who can get make full use of the advantages from all each party and develop an appropriate strategy for globalization and Internet+ that is able to grasp global opportunities and ultimately become the winner.

During this seminar, Dr. Toa Charm will share some of the best strategists’ (such as Mckinsey and BCG) strategic thinkings and the examples about how they adjust their business’s or customers’ strategies to face the challenges from globalization and “Internet+”

Jan 2015

Financial services companies, FinTech startups, financial services professional associations, technology vendors, consulting firms, legislative councilor, venture capitalists and more joined the launch of our Hong Kong Computer Society Financial Technologies Special Interest Group (FTSIG) in Hong Kong Cyberport on Jan 29, 2015. It’s not only a key milestone for HKCS but also the whole financial services ecosystem in Hong Kong.
