What is #ABC? #AI Blockchain Cloud How these technologies interplay & contribute to DigitalTransformation? That was the topic of our panel discussion in the 5th Cloud Forum in Hong Kong.
We were so honoured to have digital thought leaders & evangelists in town to share their experience & I was the moderator of the panel. Big thank to Mr. Ravel Lai, CDO, DaiCheongHong Ravel Lai, Dr. Lawrence Ma, President, HongKongBlockchainSociety Dr. Lawrence Ma, Mr. Sankar Villupuram, Digital Services Leader – East Asia, Arup Sankar V S, & Mr. Michael Yung, Head of Digital Product & Technology, AsiaMiles Michael Yung
We shared mainly the real cases on ground like RPA, SupplyChain Optimisation, SmartContract, TradeFinance. Key takeaways are as follows:
1. Customer value is the most important thing. Don’t have to know it is a part of Blockchain or AI.
2. With today’s technology, it is a lot easier & cheaper to try out AI.
3. Talents & culture are a challenge.
4. In the last decade, Coding is the basic for jobs. In the next decade, Data capability becomes a basic skill to survive & compete.
Thanks Kornerstone Catherine Chan & Simon Yeung to organize it. Also learned from Charles Mok Lawrence Fong Peter Koo FCPA,CA,AICPA,CPA (Aust),CIA,CFE,CISA,CISM,CGEIT Per Dahlberg