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With the rise of Internet Finance and Big Data, there is a Fin-tech (financial technology) boom around world.  Fin-tech is bound to bring a shock to the current financial system . Dr. Toa Charm, who has worked in Great China, Asia-Pacific, American and many other top multinational companies as  senior manager, is invited to share his first view on fin-tech. Hope this may help the financial industry in Taiwan to face the challenge of trend.

隨著互聯網金融與大數據的興起,全球陷入Fin-tech (financial technology,金融科技)熱潮,Fin-Tech對現行的金融體系勢必帶來一場震撼。高盛預估,金融科技產業將從華爾街金融業手中搶下4.7兆美元營收和4,700億美元獲利。但這場革命其實也是源自現有金融機構內的科技創新,將改變傳統付費、借款和投資的方式。

面對金融3.0的衝擊,隨著實體銀行的減少,金融服務邁入虛擬化趨勢,未來行動通訊、網路、社群媒體、物聯網及開放資料(open data)等,都會影響銀行業務發展。金融3.0的關鍵,在於如何在金融商品的創新、服務管道的便利與理財風險之中,做好平衡發展,傳統金融機構面臨全新的數位化挑戰。
