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Over 500 students worldwide were in HKUST today to innovate and collaborate together to solve real life challenges from gJardine Restaurant Group JRG KFC PizzaHut.HackUST and HardUST were 2 mainstreams to innovate software and hardware solutions respectively. Well done students and special thanks to the leadership from JRG Matthew Chan and HKUST Donny Siu to initiate and organize such a great programme not just good for JRG and HKUST but also great impact for Hong Kong.

GoGoVan Reeve Kwan KFC Janet Yuen, leaders fromPizzaHut Deloitte Accenture GoAnimate and myself were the final judges. 16 teams were in the final round and 6 winners were selected for seeding fund and cash prizes plus more like internship and services.

I am so glad that more enterprises are reaching out to young students and startups for ideas, solutions, talents and investment. 4 years ago when I had just started in Cyberport, enterprises were not that proactive in engaging with innovation ecosystems. With our joint effort with enterprises, universities, startups, government, investors, regulators, we have been seeing AIA DBS CITI BOC, SCB,Cathay, HSBC, Smartone, and nowJardine to open up to collaborate with external innovation. It is a very healthy trend. Let’s keep it going..

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