

The HR Innovation Asia 2018 was held successfully in Hong Kong. Full house today demonstrated HR professionals are keen on innovating. It is encouraging to see that technologies are not just serving external customers, e.g. customer satisfaction/experience, but…

#AI #HR #HRInnovationAsia #Cyberport. AI is not just for the customer facing executives and leaders but also human resources leaders and professionals. Innovative AI applications on HR are emerging such as hiring, workforce supply chain, resources allocation, talents…

#ChicagoBooth #Cyberport #FinTech #Entrepreneurship #CUPP #Chicago. 50+ university students from 6 major universities in Hong Kong has just started our CUPP2018 – Cyberport FinTech and Entrepreneurship bootcamp in the U of Chicago – Chicago Booth today. This is…

#BigData #AI #Chatbot #TVB #TVB5 #理財有道 #無線財經資訊台 #Cyberport #DoctorCharm I have started a TV Series to share my experience on big data and AI. The first 3 episodes were broadcasted in the last 3 weeks (Aug 16, 23…