

#DigitalTransformation is not just for large enterprises but for all #SME in the #DigitalEconomy. However, many SMEs do not know too much about #Digital. #Management may think that they cannot afford it; digital like #AI #Blockchain #O2O hashtag#IOT…

#FinTech #Sina #SinaFinance #新浪財經 has organized a forum in Hong Kong Exchange#HKEX today. Speakers from #FinancialServices incumbents, FinTech start-ups and investors were there to exchange ideas and experience. I was one of the speakers in the Greater Bay…

Are you ready to take up the #AI storm and turn it into your business and career advantages. “AI First” Strategy is not just for leading enterprises but also leading MBA programmes worldwide, such as #CUHK #MBA…

#Digital is not just for business but also for improving our lives, helping and empowering people around us. Our discussion today on #RTHK #FM926 #管理新思維 were talking about applying technologies to all walks of our lives 衣(醫)食住行。…