

3 Key Success Factors of Digital Tech Entrepreneurship 想創業成功,湛家揚博士認為必須具備3大條件: 1/ 改變社會的熱情Passion to Change: 「做初創每天都會遇到不同的問題,包括現金流、投資者的壓力、客戶未必接受自己等,有很多難關要過,如果你沒有一份熱情,沒有一定的魄力,未必可以衝破難關。」 2/ 國際化的思維Global Mindset: 「參考創業較成功的國家如以色列,當地每間初創由零開始時,已經有國際化的思維。如果你只想在本地發展,即使整個香港的生意都做完,市場都不會太大。」 3/ 留意經濟發展Watch out Regional Economies: 「特別是在大灣區、一帶一路的市場,當 你考慮在一個範疇內創業時,要顧及這些市場的潛力和特點去選擇創業的路徑。」 Read the article here: LinkedIn Post:

Gave a presentation on “Unlocking the Potential of Big Data” at this year’s HKIA Technovation 2017 conference.  The annual HKIA Technovation Conference and Exhibition is a platform for the airport community members to ascertain the latest technology and solutions…

The 3rd Episode of HK FinTech Series at Metro Finance Radio Channel Features TNG’s Founder and CEO, Mr. Alex Kong (江庆恩) Alex Kong (江庆恩) founded TNG – a leader in the eWallet market. TNG is a Cyberport’s…

AI was flourshing at Cyberport this week. Stay tuned to leverage our AI ecosystem no matter you are start-ups, students, enterprises, investors, partners, etc. 1. We broke the world’s record with over 1,100 students playing Chinese Chess with…